Fuck them, we're having a sad girl party.
Fuck them, we're having a sad girl party.

2019. 36” x 72”. Oil and enamel on canvas.

We made a love potion for ourselves.
We made a love potion for ourselves.

2019. 36” x 72”. Oil and enamel on canvas.

You don't mess around with Jim.
You don't mess around with Jim.

2019. 24” x 36”. Oil, enamel, and ink on canvas.

Why can't I say no?
Why can't I say no?

2019. 36” x 24”. Oil and enamel on canvas.

Fuck them, we're having a sad girl party.
We made a love potion for ourselves.
You don't mess around with Jim.
Why can't I say no?
Fuck them, we're having a sad girl party.

2019. 36” x 72”. Oil and enamel on canvas.

We made a love potion for ourselves.

2019. 36” x 72”. Oil and enamel on canvas.

You don't mess around with Jim.

2019. 24” x 36”. Oil, enamel, and ink on canvas.

Why can't I say no?

2019. 36” x 24”. Oil and enamel on canvas.

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